Tuesday, December 9, 2014

So, here is what I believe predicts who will be rich. The one sign you will be…

So, here is what I believe predicts who will be rich.

So, here is what I believe predicts who will be rich.

The one sign you will be rich is that you work harder than everyone else.

your riches are measured in friendships, fitness, talent, or money,
those who have an abundance, get it by working harder to secure it.

is often a backlash against working hard to secure wealth — some may
call you a workaholic or a perfectionist. Some may despise your
inability to set "work/life" boundaries. And others may still wonder
when you will take a "real" vacation. But there is no other way to be
great and fully rewarded.

    “Don’t let the skeptics fool you, winners just work harder than others think is possible (or want to themselves).”

it’s not a winner-take-all equation — we all want different kinds of
wealth. But those who do work harder are rewarded proportionally and
realize these additional benefits:

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